Monday, June 22, 2020

Traveling with Triplets....

I get asked often what it's like having triplets. I don't know how to answer that. We don't know any different. People also often asks us how we travel with 3 children. Well, my husband and I have traveled together since the first month we started dating. I grew up with a love of travel and my husband with a desire to travel, so we knew we would continue to travel no matter what. For us travel is more important than material things. We actually give our children an option for their birthday- party or vacation- and they always choose vacation. Smart kids....
The fact is that the memories made on these travels, small trips or big, can never be replaced. We try to take at least two big trips a year. One winter and one summer (what is winter in Florida?). Anyway, we try to head out to see snow at some point in the year. Our snow trip got cancelled this year right at the start of the COVID pandemic. The kids were shattered (my husband and I were too if we are being honest). We look forward to the snow each year. With everything the way it is and has been recently, we weren't sure we would get in any away time. However, we sometimes forget just how close we live to paradise. 

In less than two weeks, we booked and planned a small 4 day getaway to the Florida Keys. At this point in time, traveling with triplets has become routine. The kids all have their own luggage and they know the procedure. In fact, they all can pack for themselves actually. I think I have more problems with my husband packing :) Even the kids know to pack that extra pair of clothes and account for the unforeseen circumstances of weather. They pack games and books and never forget a bathing suit (even on the snow vacation because hey, you never know!). 
I think the biggest thing with traveling with triplets- or any large family for that matter- is the stuff. It is hard to pack light. Our SUV was packed to the brim for a small 3 night 4 day getaway at the beach. When we traveled with them as toddlers- we took them to Disney as young as 18 months- we had to travel with 3 pack and plays, travel high chairs, toy bins, diapers/pull ups, etc. 
Because of this, we waited until they were 8 years old to take them on a plane for the first time. I was nervous about all the stuff we would take and then the idea of needing a rental car once we got there and the idea of booster seats and such. We went on a snow vacation that year to Vermont. So again, packing was also challenging since we needed layers on top of the concern that we were already challenged by the fact that we were a large family. You should of seen us pull up to the airport! Each of us had a carry on rolly bag, each of us had a back pack, and we had 3 large rolly suitcases. It was pretty funny to watch us try to maneuver all that through the airport. The kids were not much help. 
                                                        This is just the carry-on luggage!

That trip was quite an adventure but all the chaos and stress is always worth it in the end. The kids have not stopped talking about that trip and can't wait to go on a plane again and see snow again. They learned how to ski and spent days just playing in the snow. Sometimes we take the little things for granted, like time spent just being together not at home. At the end of each trip, my husband always asks our kids what their favorite thing/part was. It's really cute. Some of their answers are not what you would think. It's not always what you spent the most money on or the big adventure. Sometimes it's a simple walk or card game in the hotel. 
So, you ask: How do we travel with Triplets? Well, same as you travel with your kids....but with a Whole Lot more stuff!
Waiting at baggage claim for the rest of the luggage
The real joy and the reason we travel....look at that face!
COVID vacation picture

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